Monday, February 16, 2009

2 1/2 Sentence Movie Reviews

I'm not a big movie guy. I mean, I'm a big guy, and I enjoy movies, but I'm not a big guy who watches a lot of movies. Nor am I a guy who watches movies in a big way. I have also never seen the movie Big despite being big. I'm big.

For others like me and the incredibly lazy, I will be providing two and one half sentence movie reviews of movies that I have already seen. Luckily, recently I've seen an unusually large amount of movies. We start this new segment with The Good, The Bad & the Weird:

Chubby Comedic Relief, Ruthless Killer, and Loner Good Guy are all looking for a map in Manchuria that may or may not lead to treasure in this stylish homage to the Sergio Leone original. It's a good, serious movie, but it's too glossy to feel like a true western. Also, nomads

If you want real movie review and other things that are movie related and good, go to Gordon and the Whale. Tell them Killtron Sent you and get absolutely nothing!

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